Charity Shops and Amazing Realizations

But I will gladly - and even proudly - admit that I buy things at charity shops. I think of it this way: sometimes you can get brand-new things at charity shops for only a fraction of the original price. Sometimes you can even find things at charity shops that you just can't normally buy anywhere else (like the touch-lamp my mom bought me when she was visiting last year... I've never seen anything like it around here before or since... just in that one charity shop). And for somebody on MY budget... it's the best place to shop for certain items. Period.
Well... I went looking in charity shops yesterday. I was actually looking for a purse. Anybody who knows me knows that I have a weakness for purses. At one point I had so many purses I could use a different one every day and I wouldn't repeat the pattern for at least a few weeks. And I could hear the purse gods calling me... "buy a purse!" "You know you want one!" The problem was that I ALSO knew that we didn't have much money left. The solution? Charity shop!!!!
The ironic thing about this, though, is that what I went in there for... I didn't buy. I just couldn't find one I REALLY liked, and I couldn't justify - even to myself - buying one just for the sake of buying one.
I did spend a few quid in the charity shop, though. When I realized that I didn't like any of the purses they had, I just wandered around, having a bit of a browse. Then I saw a rack of books. THEN I saw the price on the books. 3 for £1. We're talking hardback books that normally cost £20. I got Beach Music, by Pat Conroy; Meteors in August, by Melanie Rae Thon; and Second Chance, by Danielle Steel. All for £1. Then I saw the "more expensive" books... and decided I just HAD to have ONE of those. So I got The Stars Shine Down, by Sydney Sheldon. That one cost me a whopping £1.50. 4 books for £2.50. Not bad, even if I DO say so myself! :)
For somebody like me, who absolutely loves books and would happily cover every wall in bookshelves and FILL them, it's a GREAT deal. I was so excited about it I had to tell one of my acquaintances - that I know from the kids' school - on the way to pick them up. (This lady is a childminder [read: child care provider], and she lives just around the corner from me. We end up walking to the school together a lot, simply because we happen to leave around the same time. So we talk.) Yeah, I know... I'm a nerd. Sue me.
I also found a new shop - for food shopping. Okay, grocery store. Whatever. But this place specializes in frozen foods. I'd been in there before with my friend May, but it was usually because SHE wanted to get something, so I just went with her and didn't pay much attention to what they had or their prices. I stopped in there yesterday just out of curiosity, and I ended up getting almost everything on my shopping list... for only £11!!!! I've told Hubby that I think I'm going to do the majority of my shopping in there from now on. I've started planning meals for the week and going out and buying everything I need at once. The way we were doing it before, we'd go to ASDA and buy a whole bunch of stuff... but then I'd need to run to the shop nearly every day, because either we'd forgotten something or we'd already run out of it. We always ended up being broker than broke at the end of the month. But I think if I do it this way, we'll end up saving a lot of money. Right now we've got £60 left until Tuesday. BUT... I have everything I need to make dinner until then. The only things we might need are things like cereal and bread - which never last more than a day or two in our house anyway.
I feel awfully proud of myself right now. :)
The best part of my day yesterday?
Well, it actually started on Saturday. Hubby took me out to dinner, and as I was getting ready to go out, Caitlin came into the bathroom with me. I was just getting out of the shower, and she needed the toilet. She looked at me and said "Mom, have you lost weight?" I said I didn't really know, and asked her why she'd asked me that. "'Cuz you look like you have."
So I bought a new battery for my digital scale and I stepped on it.
I've lost over a stone in weight!!!!
A stone is 14 pounds. I've lost a stone and 6 pounds - 20 pounds total.
I'm not sure if this is all a recent thing or if it's been more gradual. It's been a looooooooooong time since I actually weighed myself. I had noticed, though, that a certain pair of pants I have have been falling off of me. But I'd thought that the elastic was going. (I've had them for quite some time.)
I have, however, been trying to eat more healthily. I've bought myself a bunch of yogurt, canned fruit, and soup to have during the day. When I want something sweet - which I have to admit is quite often - I just have a yogurt or a can of fruit. It works for me. Sweet doesn't always have to be candy or chocolate or any of that other bad stuff. And since I've started to cook like a "normal" wife (meaning I make dinner for the whole family - before, I was cooking for the kids and then cooking for Hubby and I later), I've been able to make sure we all have lots of veggies at dinner time as well. So while I don't know if this is the actual CAUSE of my weight loss, I'm sure it's helped.
All in all, a good day. It's about friggin' TIME I had a good day for once!!!!
Labels: charity shops, shopping, weight
YAY YAY YAY, and, oh, by the way, YAY. That does sound like an amazing day. I know the feeling of losing weight. After me and George split, I couldn't eat, remember, emotional UNDER eater here, so I started dropping the pounds like crazy without realizing it. The mailman walks up to me one day and says I am melting away... I had gone from a size ten down to a size four by that point. Unfortunately, I have gained it all back due to stress and no exercise for five months cause of my back injury, but it will start coming off now that I am doing PT again. I wish I could spend less money on food, but the nice cheap stores are too far away right now, until the new Ultra opens, I am stuck with Meyer, and it is a bit up there compared to what I am used to. Can I move in with you???
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