Friday, June 30, 2006

Dispelling the Myth

There is a myth - mostly propogated by Americans who don't know the truth - that England is a dark, gloomy place, where the sun rarely shines, and even when it does it's still cold and just plain old blech.

It's not true, folks.

Sure, England gets a lot of rain. That part is definitely true, but it's not a constant thing. I noticed the first year we lived here that it rained practically every day... but not ALL day. It would rain for like an hour or so and then be sunny and warm the rest of the day.

And I gotta tell you people... when the sun DOES shine here, it is friggin HOT!!!!

I took my youngest to the beach yesterday (first time on my own, aren't you proud of me?) alone with her entire nursery. She was playing in a little tide pool nearby, so I pretty much sat on a towel with one of the other moms (who also happens to be the mom of one of Lexi's friends, too) for the whole day. Her son, Robert, wasn't too interested in going anywhere. He didn't want to play the games, he didn't want to go in the water with Chloe, he was mostly interested in building sandcastles. And since I, in my poor deprived childhood, never got to build sandcastles, I helped him.

And now I have a sunburn so bad on my legs that it hurts to move.

At all.

The funny thing is, this is only the second time in my LIFE that I've gotten a burn on my legs. And the first time, by the end of the night, it had already faded to a tan. I didn't think I COULD get a burn this bad on my legs. On my upper body, yeah. But not down there.

Guess I was wrong.

Come to find out, after talking with hubby, that not only are the sun's rays stronger here than they were back home, but there's something about the sea air that actually intensifies the intensity (try saying THAT 3 times fast when you're drunk!!) of the sun.

And yes, Chloe has a sunburn... but not NEARLY as bad as mine (she's more pink than red), and I find it not only ironic but TOTALLY UNFAIR. She was the one IN THE WATER... I just sat on the beach and relived my childhood (or... well... lived the part I missed, anyway).

It took me over an hour to walk the kids to school and get home again, because my legs hurt THAT bad. I'm going to have to leave early to pick Chloe up from nursery, because if I don't, I just KNOW I'm going to be late.

It's just a myth, guys. England is not just as bad as America when it comes to sun... it's WORSE!!!

But you know what? I'm glad I went. I might be in pain right now, but Chloe had SUCH a good time, and she was REALLY well behaved (which is the main thing I worried about). The kids keep asking me if I'll take the lot of them, and I think I shall. But not until I know I have money to spend on them. Even if we packed a lunch, they'd want things like pop and ice cream and the like... and I hate having to say no. So I'd much rather wait until I don't HAVE to say no!!!!


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