Friday, February 02, 2007

My children have issues!

On the way to school this morning, Chloe found a new toy. She actually found it on the ground outside the paper shop. It could have been any number of kids' - most kids at their school end up walking past this shop - so I let her keep it. (If there had been any way to find out whose it was, I would have at least TRIED to find out, but out on the street on the most popular route to school? No way.)

I wouldn't let her keep it at school, though. I told her I would take it home and put it on her chair. Which is exactly what I did.

So as soon as we got home, she went straight for her chair and started to play with it. It gets on my nerves (makes all kinds of strange music), but when she started doing this, I just had to get the camera out - AFTER I laughed my ass off, of course.

Click here - because I tried to put the html in here, but for some reason it won't work.

I think the kid's got some SERIOUS problems! *lol*

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