Saturday, June 03, 2006

A Word of Warning

To anyone who reads this:

If you've come here expecting to see a "great" blog... you're going to be sorely disappointed.

This is the first blogger blog that I started, but it's the one I'm worst at keeping updated. My other two, To Syrina With Love and Yarn Krazy, are the ones I keep up with the most, because they mean more to me.

This one is just for me to get things out of my system. I don't have a lot of people to talk to around here (living in a strange country where Americans are hated just for BEING American doesn't help any), so when I need to get something out, I come here.

But please... if you've come here, and you've read something, and it inspires you to comment... feel free.

But don't start any drama. I have enough of that in my real life, I don't need it here. If you're abusive or just plain rude in any way, your comments WILL be deleted.

That being said... welcome. Get comfy, and feel free to read.


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