Thursday, June 08, 2006

Chavs and Bullies

For any Americans reading this, let me explain this "Chav" thing.

Nobody really knows where the word comes from. There are several theories out there, which I won't get into right now. Let's just say that the closest American term would be "trailer trash."

It's more a mentality than referring to how much money a person makes or where they live. Think "common." The MOST common of common.

Unfortunately, this country is inundated with these kinds of people. And they're not all young, although most definitions of the word out there would indicate otherwise. I've met 50-year-old Chavs. It's sad, really.

But, unfortunately for me, I live around the corner from a house full of them, and they're pretty much the worst kind of people around.

The mother thinks that the whole world owes her something. I don't know why, and I don't really care. But yesterday it all came to a head.

She's raising her grandson, but she seems to think that he can do no wrong. Last summer, Caitlin (my 9 year old) asked him if she could ride his bike. She ASKED, and he said YES. This woman comes out and screams at Caitlin to get off of it. Now, I could understand - and would agree with her - if she'd just TAKEN it from him. But she didn't. She got his PERMISSION.

Well today, this same little b@st@rd starts bullying Chloe. She JUST turned 4 a week and a half ago. This boy is nearly 7. He starts calling her names and starts throwing her bike into the street and running into it on purpose. So I take Chloe with me and I try to talk to this woman.

I started out very calmly, because I know what I would be like if someone were to come to my door and start jumping down my throat. I simply said, "your grandson has been bullying my little girl." Her, and her daughter (who acts as if her own sh!t doesn't stink), start yelling at ME, and start calling ME names. Well gee... I WONDER where all this bullying is coming from???? They're obviously teaching him that it's okay to bully people just because he feels like it.

I'm not proud of it, but after a few minutes of this abuse - which I would like to go on record as saying I did NOT start - I blew up. I called the daughter exactly what she is - a stupid whore. I've heard lots of things about this little chav from a lot of different people around the neighborhood, and that's exactly what she is. But if they hadn't started all this childish name-calling, I would have kept my opinion to myself. I'm the kind of person that doesn't really care what other people do, as long as it doesn't affect me or my family. But when this little shit started on Chloe, I had had enough.

The thing was, if the woman had just said that she'd take care of the situation, I would have left it at that. I've had other parents come to me about Caitlin, and when it was done in a calm, respectful manner, I was fine with it. I don't want my child to be a little b!tch, and I don't expect that other people should treat them that way, either. But when Caitlin WAS acting like a little b!tch, I took care of it. I told her that it wasn't acceptable, and I made her go over there and apologize. I think the apology was worse for her than my talking to her. She had to go to the people she'd hurt and publicly apologize for CAUSING that hurt.

Am I really that strange, that I think a child should be made to own up to what they've done, even if they ARE only 7 years old? Am I unusual in thinking that discipline should be started when a child is a BABY, not wait until they're a teenager to try and get them to behave?

What the hell is this world coming to? They try to make it AGAINST THE LAW to spank your children, but then they wonder why children are getting into more and more trouble these days? And worse trouble than ever before. Children are turning into bullies and theives and murderers... and the people of this world actually DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY!!!! It's because we - as a society - are teaching our children that they can do whatever they want to do and there won't be any repercussions.

I keep being labeled a "strict" parent. I find that SO funny it's not even... well... funny. I actually LITERALLY laughed out loud the first time somebody called me that. Strict? ME?! If I'm strict, then what would they call my grandmother? Or HER mother? Sheesh. If I'm strict... fine. I'll BE strict. If that's what it takes to get my children to not act like all these other little @$$holes out there... then I'll PROUDLY call myself strict.

I think the world NEEDS more strict parents. Maybe then it wouldn't be going to hell in a handbasket quite so rapidly as it's been.

Our children are going to be the un-doing of our world... and we're going to be stuck sitting there, wondering "Why?"


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