Saturday, March 03, 2007

Happy Birthday, Caitlin!!!!

I can't believe it... she's TEN today!!!!

We had a relatively quiet day. I spent the day cleaning and baking (her birthday cake, of course!!!). She had a friend over, and spent much of the day upstairs with her radio blasting.

Hubby and I just can't get over how much she's grown up. I happened to come across our wedding photos today (while wrapping Caitlin's birthday presents) and there was one of her and I together. She was so TINY then! Granted, she was only 2 and a half, but STILL! She barely came up to my knees, and now... well, just look at her!!! She's turning into a young lady. I don't know if I can handle this. *lol*

She got spoiled this year, too. But then again, it's not every year that we literally have thousands in the bank. And it's not every year that a girl turns 10. That's double digits, man!!!

She got a quilt cover set, a messenger-style bag, a backpack, a pair of fuzzy slipper socks, an alarm clock, a watch, a gold necklace, an XBOX, 4 games, and an extra controller for the XBOX. That's just from us. Her Aunt Vicci got her a pair of hair straighteners.

I'll tell y'all a secret, though. The XBOX was a used one. And the games came with it. But still... she got one. Heck... *I* never had anything like that. I had to go spend the weekend with my cousins to even get my hands on a Nintendo! *lol*

If you'd like to see more pics, click here. I uploaded them all already. :)

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