Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Practical jokes... already!!!!

I couldn't stop laughing when I heard this.


was trying to wake up Caitlin

only Caitlin was having none of it.

So Lexi - being the little evil genius that she is - had a "great" idea. She went and found one of the 9V batteries that are floating around the house. (I swear, those things must multiply or something. I find one and put it away and then I turn around and there it is again! Either they have some sort of teleportation powers or they're multiplying!) She goes up to Caitlin - who apparently had her mouth hanging open while she was sleeping - and sticks the battery on her tongue - connectors down, of course.


You bet your arse Caitlin finally got up!!!!


I couldn't believe it. How the hell did she even THINK of that? She's only 6!!

Methinks I better keep her on my good side. When she's older and even smarter than she is now, I shudder to think of all the nasty practical jokes this kid might come up with!!

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