Monday, September 27, 2004

premonition revealed?

He did it again. He left the house at a little after 3 p.m. yesterday and he's still not home. I had specifically asked him to not take too long, because that's when I panic. And panic I've been. I could hardly sleep for panicking. I got a little sleep, but I was waking up every hour to call him. And every time, he had his phone switched off.

I got a text message about a half an hour ago saying "IM SRY. IM FINE, DNT WORRY. TALK 2 U LATER." Yeah, HE may be fine... but what about ME? I'm the one that's been sitting here all night going absolutely crazy. I just don't understand why he'd do this to me, especially so soon after last weekend. And he wants me to try and get OVER what happened last weekend?? How can I do that when he keeps doing things like this to me???

I seriously wonder why he did this, though. Is it a sign that our marriage is over, too? That thought is sending me into another panic attack. But I have to wonder, after all of this. Especially considering the fact that he's still not home. I would have thought he would have wanted to come home and change his clothes for this conference thingy he's supposed to be going to today. But where is he? Not here, that's for sure.


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